San Pedro, Spain

April 2, 2000

This place is an amazing little cove with a bit of a story. There is a small community of hippie campers living in this Robinson Caruso-like paradise.

Apparently, doses of cocaine and heroin are available here for dirt cheap: around 1000 pesetas. The money from the drug sales is used by a squatter to shelter and feed the drifters that come into town in return for work on restoration of the castle.

Right before entry are hand painted signs showing visitors how to dig a toilet and requesting to please carry all trash back to Las Negras.

The road is a bit rough, and Iīd say itīs only accessible by foot by following the dirt road or hiking over a few mountains. The beaches are clean and hippies bask in the doors of their tents.

I silently composed poetry in my head while sitting on a drift wood log with Katie. This could very well be the fugitive paradise of Europe. And isnīt everyone a fugitive once in awhile?

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